Organizing Strategy and Practice

Debriefing the Resistance

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Courtesy of Cristina Jiménez Moreta

Debriefing the Resistance

We must be unapologetic about our vision for this country and inspire millions to dream with us about building a new story and a new country where all of us live with dignity and thrive. 

Courtesy of Luisa Boyarski

Harnessing Virginia’s Grassroots Resistance

Our coalition model helped channel grassroots energy into effective political organizing.  

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The Immigrant Justice Movement Should Embrace Abolition

In the wake of the uprisings for Black lives and the unprecedented impacts of 2020, it’s past time for the immigrant justice movement to transcend the criminalizing frame and embrace abolition.

Courtesy of New Georgia Project

Staying Ready: An Interview with Nsé Ufot

“Any Georgian that says, ‘But my vote doesn't count’ — there are thousands of young people who voted for the first time who can tell them that that's not the case.”

Courtesy of Josh Kaplowitz

Getting Off the Sidelines in a Deep Blue Suburb

Arlington Families has created a vehicle to increase our power and stave off the forces of fascism while finding ways to make activism fun for kids of all ages.

Courtesy of Maddy Zimmerman

The Rise of NYC-DSA

Building campaign practices that value wide-scale community engagement over concentrated sources of capital is a first step to building a world that puts people over profit.

Courtesy of Nikil Saval

Lessons from the Campaign Trail

Nikil Saval on organizing for his own campaign, why he believes progressives need to engage in party building, and the lessons he’s learned about how to build power over the past four years.

Courtesy of Monica Hutchinson

Organizing While Black

Black women and women of color need our own spaces to organize.

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The Decade of the Green New Deal

The 2010s birthed the global climate movement; in the 2020s, we will mature into a movement ready to lead this country through the Decade of the Green New Deal.

Courtesy of Carmen Perez

Intersectional Feminism & Coalition Building

Reflections on the 2017 Women’s March on Washington

Courtesy of Trevor Wild

Rebuilding the Chapter Model

In 2020, March For Our Lives led 300 disjointed chapters through our first coordinated campaign. This is what we learned.

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Unapologetic Solidarity

We will never agree on all policies, campaigns, pieces of legislation, or talking points. But we must stop pushing policies, campaigns, or narratives that leave communities out because we believe it is more strategic. 


Courtesy of Patrice Lawrence

Strength and Sustainability

Patrice Lawrence on her work organizing the Black immigrant communities at the center of racist attacks from the Trump administration