Brian Kettenring
Brian leads CPD’s Economic Justice Campaigns including Fair Work Week, Fed Up, Minimum Wage, Paid Sick Days, Childcare, and Wall Street Accountability. Additionally, Brian oversees CPD’s voter engagement portfolio, as well as CPD’s new States Initiative and the Federal Advocacy and Campaigns operation.
Brian served as Executive Director of Leadership Center for the Common Good prior to its merger with CPD in late 2013. During his tenure, Brian and his team built an organization that worked with partner organizations in 18 states and 45 cities nationally, and drove a wide array of economic and racial justice campaigns.
During his 23-year organizing career, Brian has run or worked on dozens of organizing drives and issue campaigns, ranging from the campaign to stop racist predatory lending in California (1999-2002) to a minimum wage ballot initiative victory in Florida (2004), and more.
Brian’s first work in organizing came through the Midwest Academy training program in Chicago, IL. Later, Brian worked for the Rogers Park Community Action Network and the REACH project, both in Chicago.
From 1995-2009, Brian worked for ACORN, initially in Chicago, and later in Oakland, Sacramento, Florida, the southern US, and in Washington, DC. Brian received a BA in African and European Intellectual History from Carleton College.