Adam Kruggel
Adam Kruggel is the Director of Strategic Initiatives at People’s Action. Over the past two years, he has helped to build the Rural and Small-Town Organizing Strategy, which has grown into one of the largest progressive rural organizing efforts in the country. Adam has more than 23 years of experience in community organizing, most recently as director of organizing at PICO California, where he helped build the largest volunteer-led voter engagement programs in California and worked with movement allies to help build the Million Voter Project. As director of Contra Costa Interfaith Supporting Community Organization, he helped to build powerful efforts to reduce gun violence and dismantle mass incarceration through the Richmond Ceasefire-Lifelines to Healing movement and the Invest in People, Not Prisons campaign. A trailblazing organizer, Adam has had a hand in groundbreaking victories in California, from the Racial Identity Profiling Act to the California Homeowner Bill of Rights.