Organizing Strategy and Practice

Deepak Pateriya

Deepak Pateriya has been an organizer, campaigner and alliance builder since the 1990’s, in community organizing, the labor movement, and electoral politics. From 2012–2021, Deepak served as Chief of Staff and later Managing Director of Community Change and Community Change Action (CC/CCA). Deepak co-founded Win Justice – the 2018–2020 electoral collaboration of CCA, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Planned Parenthood Votes and Color of Change PAC. Prior to Community Change Action, Deepak worked in the labor movement for a decade with the Service Employees International Union and the United Food and Commercial Workers, organizing and campaigning with workers in the janitorial, health care and retail industries. He learned most of what he knows about community organizing and building electoral power working for the community organization AGENDA (now called SCOPE) in Los Angeles from 1995-2003. He also co-edited, with Patricia Castellanos, SCOPE’s book Power Tools (A Manual for Organizations Fighting for Justice). He currently serves on the boards of Jobs with Justice and NextGen America.