Tanasia Newman
Tanasia Newman is an organizer, storyteller, and the Senior Communications Manager at Essie Justice Group, the nation’s leading advocacy organization of women with incarcerated loved ones.
Rooted in the expertise and leadership of women with incarcerated loved ones, Tanasia develops and drives member-centered narrative and storytelling strategies forward, emphasizing the power potential of the 1 in 4 women with incarcerated loved ones. She also leads Essie’s organizing efforts to free Black mothers and caregivers in California from pretrial detention as part of the national Black Mama’s Bail Out, an annual campaign that seeks to raise awareness about the human and financial costs of money bail and emphasize its impact on Black mothers and caregivers.
Tanasia holds a B.A. in Communication with an emphasis in Interpersonal Relationships and Social and Human Understanding from the University of Arizona. She also serves as an Advisory Council member of the National Bail Out Collective, and is a Black Organizers for Leadership and Dignity (BOLD) graduate.