Organizing Strategy and Practice

Margaret Post

Margaret Post is a research assistant professor at Clark University in the Department of International Development, Community and the Environment. Her scholarship focuses on the role of grassroots community organizations in social policy change. Dr. Post is the author of Grassroots Coalitions and State Policy Change: Organizing for Immigrant Health Care (2011) and co-editor of Publicly Engaged Scholars: Next-Generation Engagement and the Future of Higher Education with Elaine Ward, Nicholas Longo, and John Saltmarsh (2016). In addition to teaching courses on public policy and community organizing, she conducts research and training with a range of non-profit and political organizations. Her current research focuses on the prevalence and efficacy of 501(c)(4) organizations.

Dr. Post holds a doctorate in social policy from Brandeis University, and a master of public policy from the University of Minnesota.