The Craft of Campaigns
The Craft of Campaigns
Intervening on Activist Tendencies
Learn from Ingrid Lakey how a group of Quakers created a purpose-built organization that forced change at the country's sixth-largest bank.
A Campaign Against Transgender Discrimination Pivots After Getting Stuck
Learn from Nico Amador, Director of the Leadership Institute at CenterLink—an international member network of LGBT Centers—about how campaigns can pivot to create more favorable conditions.
Cutting an Issue to Defend Black Voters in Michigan
Learn how Byron Hobbs and Jonathan Hogstad of Community Change/Action and the Defend Black Voters Coalition creatively targeted utility companies and health insurers as part of their strategy to combat voter suppression in Michigan.
Dusting off a Seven-Year-Old Demand To Win Millions for Philly’s Public Schools
Learn how Devan Spear and Philly Jobs with Justice helped secure $100 million to address asbestos and lead contamination within the Philadelphia public school system.
Justice for Janitors: A Comeback Story That Continues Today
Learn, with Stephen Lerner of Bargaining for the Common Good, how Justice for Janitors reinvented themselves and labor organizing and created multipronged strategies for victory.
#NoCopAcademy: A Campaign Against Chicago’s ‘Cop City’
Learn about Chicago's #NoCopAcademy Campaign and how the struggle helped build the capacity of the city's growing social movement. Featuring Karina Mireya, digital organizer and freelance photographer, and Benji Hart, an interdisciplinary artist, author, and educator.
Craft of Campaigns Season 2
The Craft of Campaigns podcast featured stories and lessons from issue-based action campaigns. In Season 2, we’ll hear from campaigners who took on the ruling class in D.C. to win protections for janitors, challenged corporations who were bankrolling far-right election deniers in Michigan, and got one of the nation’s largest banks to stop funding mountaintop removal coal mining.
Disrupting the Movement Ecosystem
Heather Cronk on GetEqual's campaign to end "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Grieving After a Big Campaign Loss
West Virginia Can't Wait's Kately Lauer on our movement's growing pains
Organizing to Stop a Memphis Pipeline
Justin J. Pearson on Memphis Community Against Pollution's fight to stop a new pipeline.
Campaigning against a “done deal” in Philadelphia
Daniel Hunter of on the campaign to stop casino development in Philadelphia.
A Campaign to Stop Amazon’s Price-Gouging
Women’s March uses campaigns as "political identity formation moments"
The Campaign to End Cash Bail
This year, Illinois will become the first state to eliminate wealth-based pretrial incarceration. The path to passing the legislation holds lessons for organizers in how to win large-scale victories.
The #CancelStudentDebt Campaign
Eleni Schermer and Ann Bowers reflect on the Debt Collective's work over the past ten years.
SONG’s “Free From Fear” Campaign
The Birth of Black Mama’s Bail Outs
Keeping a Hard No
Campaign lessons from the battle to stop Amazon’s HQ2 in Queens
Building a Citywide Tenant Union in Kansas City
KC Tenants's Tara Raghuveer is "ruthless" about base building.
Lessons from the Campaign to Win DACA
Neidi Dominguez on how youung undocumented organizers won by not listening to DC, embracing disagreement, and using multiple strategies.