Palestine and Israel
Palestine and Israel
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Intro: Palestine and the US
We’ve come together to help people understand what’s happening in Gaza from an organizing perspective, and we will be sharing our perspectives while also sharing many points of view throughout the issue and we hope that you engage. This issue is important to many of us, and we intend to create space accessible to a variety of organizers for nuanced reflection and debate that pushes readers past fear and isolation, and towards true solidarity.

Palestine is at the Heart of the Fight Against Trump’s Fascism
In a final essay, Forge contributing editors reflect on how Palestine is the issue most critical to defeating Fascism in the upcoming administration Author Ta-Nehisi Coates has shown remarkable humility, vulnerability, and courage in recounting the evolution of his views...
Credit: Paul Campbell How Liberal Legal Frameworks Become Fodder for Fascism
Dima Khalidi of Palestine Legal explains how our legal system’s inability to challenge underlying power structures allows for the far right to wield it against our people and our movements. Adapted from remarks at the Through the Portal Conference in Chicago, September 2024.
Credit: Lemon_tm Towards a New Philanthropy
How do we build together from the demand for an end to genocide towards a collective call for the safety, dignity, and freedom of the Palestinian people?
Credit: Sarah-Ji How Students Are Resisting the Politics of Supremacy
Two organizers from Get Free argue that campus protests show young people want leaders who challenge supremacy, not uphold it, and urge President Biden to follow their generation's lead in reversing harmful policies.
Pray-in action led by Adalah Justice Project How Cultural Strategy Drives Long-Term Change
Cultural strategies have long been central to the success of social movements. Ciara Taylor of the Kairos Center uses prose, images, and songs to capture the role of cultural organizing in the ongoing struggle for a free Palestine.
Credit: Josh Yoder, Look Loud Can Culture Build Power?
Get a behind the scenes at Look Loud, a cultural organization leveling up protests everywhere with beautiful, intentional, and powerful art.
Credit: AlexLMX Cultural Boycott, and Ending Complicity in Genocide
Shiv Kotecha explains the role of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) in fighting against Israel's use of culture as a weapon of genocide.
Montecruz Foto Black Feminist Reflections on Palestine Liberation
Barbara Ransby charts the relationship between Black feminist organizing and the movement for a Free Palestine, and provides a poem in solidarity with the people of Gaza.
iStock Trans Liberation and Palestine
Shelby Chestnut, executive director of the Transgender Law Center, explains how trans liberation is inherently anti-colonial and inseparable from the struggle for Palestinian freedom.
Kurt Bauschardt Pinkwashing 101: How Israel Turned Gay Pride into an Occasion for Oppression
Rami Kablawi breaks down how Israel weaponizes Pride to oppress Palestinians, and how you can help resist it.
Montecuz Foto Ferguson, Palestine and “The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime”
Montague Simmons, Director of Strategic Partnerships for the Movement for Black Lives, explores the transformed terrain that organizers must navigate this election season.
- How The Fight for a Free Palestine is Changing Organizing
Arielle Klagsbrun of the Action Center on Race and Economy breaks down how the movement for a free Palestine has adopted and transformed the affinity group model of mass movement organizing.
Mx. Granger via Wikimedia Commons Dissenters and the Student Movement for Palestine
Brianna Gibson of the BlackOUT Collective interviews Sidney Miralao from Dissenters, an anti-imperial youth organization playing an important role in the student movement for a free Palestine. Learn what’s happening on the ground and how this political moment is creating a new generation of disciplined leaders.
Andrew Ratto via Wikimedia Commons How to Support Palestinians? Boycott, Divest from, and Sanction Israel
Sumaya Awad of the Adalah Justice Project explains BDS, its urgency, and why it is essential for ending Israel’s policies of genocide and apartheid.
- Gaza is Palestine, Dismantle Zionism, and Palestine Will Free Us All
Three opening pieces from our special co-editors: Sandra Tamari, Morgan Bassichis, and Ramah Kudaimi. They present context, history, and a resounding commitment to liberation for Palestine.
Emma Dessau A Love Letter to All Who March
Palestinian children are being crushed by rubble. We cannot allow ourselves to be crushed by bleakness. Direct action trainer and dancer LJ Amsterdam writes that it is our role and our responsibility to put our bodies in motion.