Bargaining for the Common Good
Bargaining for the Common Good
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A Call to Action in This Moment
There are moments in history when the world teeters on a razor’s edge - we believe we are in such a moment. We must use the current and upcoming fights to transform our world and Bargaining for the Common Good (BCG) is an essential tool in that effort.

Queremos pan y vivienda tambien: Negociar por el bien comun, una estrategia feminista interseccional
Negociar por el Bien Común es parte del legado histórico de Bread and Roses (pan y rosas), rechazando la división entre el hogar y el trabajo, entre la comunidad y el sindicalismo.
Negociando por el bien común como justicia racial
Líderes hacen un llamado al sindicalismo tradicional, las organizaciones de trabajadorxs más nuevas y el movimiento más amplio por la justicia racial a que se enfoquen en quienes realmente toman las decisiones en los sectores públicos y privados y tienen interés en mantener intactas las desigualdades raciales.
Todxs necesitamos un hogar: Es hora de que los grupos de justicia de vivienda y los sindicatos se unan.
Al unirse contra lxs caserxs corporativxs y por la expansión de lo que consiguen con negociaciones, los sindicatos y grupos de justicia de vivienda están teniendo un rol crucial en atender la crisis de vivienda.
Lxs maestrxs de Chicago hacen una huelga por las escuelas que nuestxs estudiantes merecen y la ciudad que nuestra comunidad merece
Una conversación con Stacy Davis-Gates, vicepresidente de Chicago Teachers Union, y Amisha Patel, directora ejecutiva de Grassroots Collaborative, acerca de la huelga por el bien común de octubre 2019.
Lecciones de la Campaña del Bien Común de lxs maestrxs de LA y la victoria de la huelga
Conversación con miembrxs sindicales, madres, padres y miembrxs comunitarixs líderes de la huelga por el bien común de United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) de enero 2019 acerca de estrategias y lecciones aprendidas.<a href="/node/301">Un llamado a la acción en este preciso instante</a>
Un llamado a la acción en este preciso instante
Hay momentos en la historia en que el mundo se tambalea sobre el filo de una navaja - creemos que nos encontramos en un momento así. Tenemos que usar las luchas presentes y futuras para transformar nuestro mundo, y Negociar por el Bien Común (BCG, por sus siglas en inglés) es una herramienta esencial para ese esfuerzo.
Climate Video
Activist and author Naomi Klein and BCG network leaders Saqib Bhatti and Judith Leblanc discuss the Bargaining for the Common Good movement in a time of COVID-19 and climate crisis.
Introduction to Bargaining for the Common Good
Bargaining for the Common Good is a recent phenomenon with deep roots in U.S. labor history. If we are to emerge from this crisis with a more equitable nation, we must reinvent collective bargaining to meet the demands of our time
Going Up the Money Tree
Our economy and democracy have been hijacked - going up the money tree, an essential piece of Bargaining for the Common Good, helps us identify our true overlords so that we can force them to get out of our way.
Bargaining for the Common Good as Racial Justice
Leaders call for traditional labor, newer worker organizations and the broader racial justice movement to target the real decision makers in both the public and private sectors that have a vested interest in keeping racial inequities in place.
We Fight Back to Thrive, not Survive: Bargaining for the Common Good in Puerto Rico
In the face of disaster, Puerto Rican movement leaders share what they have learned using Bargaining for the Common Good, forging bridges between communities and unions to ensure that their people thrive.
Luchamos para vencer, no para sobrevivir: negociamos por el bien común en Puerto Rico
Ante el desastre, líderes puertorriqueños del movimiento comparten lo que han aprendido usando la Negociación por el Bien Común, forjando puentes entre comunidades y sindicatos en el camino para asegurar que la gente prospere.
The Origins and Urgency of Bargaining for the Common Good
Bargaining for the Common Good is a recent phenomenon with deep roots in U.S. labor history. If we are to emerge from this crisis with a more equitable nation, we must reinvent collective bargaining to meet the demands of our time
Engaging Membership Through Popular Education as a Key Tool in Building Bargaining for the Common Good Campaigns
Popular education uses the immediate struggles around which community and union members are organized as entry points to build shared the struggle that is a central piece of the Bargaining for the Common Good movement and framework.
We all need a home: It’s Time for The Labor and Housing Movements to Unite
By partnering to target corporate landlords and expand the scope of what they bargain for, unions and housing justice groups are playing a crucial role in addressing the housing crisis
Bargaining for Climate Justice
Bargaining for the Common Good is an important tool as we pave the road to building the just, equitable, and sustainable economy we all need and deserve.
Bargaining for the Common Good and the Fight for Better Banks for Our Communities
Bank workers are in unions around the world, but not in the U.S. Using Organizing and Bargaining for the Common Good, these workers are fighting the big banks, not just for their own rights, but also to stop banks from cheating all of us.
Chicago Teachers Strike for the Schools Our Students Deserve and the City Our Community Deserves
A conversation with Stacy Davis-Gates, VP of the Chicago Teachers Union, and Amisha Patel, ED of the Grassroots Collaborative, about the October 2019 Common Good strike.
Lessons from the LA Teachers Common Good Campaign and Strike Victory
Conversation with union, parent and community leaders of United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA)’s January 2019 Common Good strike about the strategies and lessons learned.
Transforming Higher Education in this Moment: Uniting to Bargain for the Common Good
We must use this crisis moment to refortify shared governance models on Higher Education campuses and ensure that bargaining includes all of those impacted
We Want Bread and Housing Too: Bargaining for the Common Good an Intersectional Feminist Strategy
Bargaining for the Common Good is a feminist intersectional strategy, part of the “Bread and Roses” historical legacy, rejecting the divide between home and work, between community and labor.