Divya Sundaram
Divya Sundaram is the Organizing & Party Building Manager with the NY Working Families Party. Since joining the WFP in 2020, she’s helped launch WFP chapters in NYC and the Hudson Valley, and organized with folks in Buffalo to help pull off India Walton’s historic upset in the Democratic Primary for Mayor. Before joining the WFP Divya was the Policy Coordinator at Community Voices Heard, organizing for housing and economic justice in NYC and the Hudson Valley. While at CVH, she served as a coordinating committee member for the Housing Justice for All coalition, providing strategic advice and support, and she helped launch the national campaign for a Homes Guarantee with People’s Action. Divya created the Homes Guarantee Candidate Pledge — organizing candidates across the country to reject all real estate money and to commit to co-governing with a base of tenants in their district. Divya was also Deputy Campaign Manager for Tiffany Cabán’s Queens District Attorney campaign, and regularly tricks people into thinking she is from Queens when she was actually born and raised in New Mexico.